Not Quite a Surprise Yosemite Proposal

Eva and Mo

Proposal at Taft Point in Yosemite

You'll know when the moment is right. That's true for many of life's big decisions, including the moment that Mo proposed to Eva.

He had cleverly planned a Yosemite trip disguised as a Christmas card photoshoot, with me as their photographer. The plan would be that I would meet them for a portrait session, sharing some of my favorite places in the park as we traveled together, and Mo would propose along the way when the moment was right. We discussed various potential proposal spots, from Half Dome to the valley floor, even the iconic Taft Point. Mo envisioned idyllic scenes but ultimately decided he'd know the perfect location when he saw it.

When I met Eva and Mo that afternoon, I was surprised to learn the proposal had already happened. Mo shared how, that very morning, while sitting on their cabin deck and enjoying a perfect conversation, he knew it was the right moment to propose. It was just the two of them, sharing life together, and it felt absolutely perfect. I was overjoyed for them!

Our time together took on a whole new meaning. Instead of the anticipation and excitement of a traditional proposal, we focused on pure celebration. Eva and Mo were filled with joy, almost in disbelief that they had found each other.

And yes, we even recreated that iconic proposal shot at Taft Point! It was a beautiful way to mark the beginning of their next chapter together.